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Remove unpleasant smells from the sofa: This is how it works

Unangenehme Gerüche aus dem Sofa entfernen: So geht’s - Livom

Smells in the sofa are a common problem, especially in households with pets or small children. These smells can be uncomfortable and affect well -being in their home. Fortunately, there are various ways to remove smells from the sofa.

General tips on how to remove uncomfortable smells from the sofa

One of the simplest methods to smells from the sofa Removing is the regular ventilation of the room. Open the windows and let fresh air flow into the room to dilute and reduce the smells. This is particularly important when the sofa is right next to a source for smells such as a pet or a trash can.

Suction of the sofa with a vacuum cleaner

Another way to remove smells from the sofa is to vacuum the sofa with a vacuum cleaner. This removes loose particles and hair that the smells can increase. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner with a upholstered nozzle attachment to thoroughly clean the seams and wrinkles of the sofa.

Cleaning agent & water

If the suction of the sofa is not sufficient to remove the smells, you can use a solution of water and a mild cleaning agent to wash the sofa thoroughly. Mix a small amount of the cleaning agent with warm water and apply the solution with a soft cloth to the sofa. Then wipe the sofa with a clean, damp cloth to remove the cleaning solution. Then let the sofa dry well before using it again.

Another way to remove smells from the sofa is to spray cleaning agents directly on the affected places. There are various cleaning agents in retail that were specially developed for combating smells in upholstered furniture. Spray the cleaning agent on the affected areas and let it work according to instructions. You can then suck or wipe the sofa to remove the cleaning agent.

More simply home remedies for bad smells in the sofa

Smells in the sofa can be removed with three simple home remedies if they have no special cleaning agents at hand. Vinegar, soda and citric acid are effective remedies for superficial stains and the associated odor developments.


Vinegar has a neutralizing effect and can be mixed with water to a ratio of 2: 1 and applied to the sofa with a spray bottle. Soda can be sprinkled onto the affected area and then sucked off. Citric acid can be applied to the affected area in a concentrated form and then washed off with water. These home remedies are effective and can help the sofa smell fresh again.


To remove smells from the sofa, you can use soda. Soda pulls moisture out of the sofa and removes unpleasant smells. It also has an antibacterial effect and fights house dust mites, which is an advantage for allergy sufferers. To apply soda, sprinkle 200 g of fine -grained soda on the sofa and leave it on overnight. The next day they suck the soda. In cases of stronger pollution and stench you have to incorporate the sodium with water.

Rose water

Rose water is a home remedy that can be used against unpleasant smells in the sofa. However, it only overlaps the smells and does not remove them. Therefore, it is only of limited effective in stubborn nuisance. To apply rose water, just spray it onto the sofa and let it dry. Alternatively, you can moisten a cloth with it and wipe the sofa in a fiber direction. Rose water binds the smells and gives the sofa a pleasant rose scent.

The advantage of modular sofas regarding washable

An advantage of one Modular Livom sofas is that the individual parts of the sofa can be removed and washed separately. This allows stains and smells to be treated in a targeted manner at the affected area without having to wash the entire sofa. This can save time and effort and ensure that the sofa is thoroughly cleaned. In addition, it enables the washable of a modular sofa to keep the sofa clean and hygienic longer.

With almost all of Livom sofas, you can lose the removal of the sofa and wash comfortably in the washing machine at 30 degrees.

How to remove a smell of smoke

Smoking households can load your furnishings by the smell of cigarette smoke. Furniture and walls take on the smell of smoke and nicotine deposits. To avoid this, you should not smoke in the house, but outside on the balcony or in the garden.

If your sofa already smells of smoke, you can clean it with vinegar water and wash any pillows or covers. You can then treat the sofa with rose water to give it a pleasant fragrance.

Your new sofa smells of chemistry

New upholstered furniture can sometimes flow out a strongly chemical smell. This stench can be dangerous if it is caused by toxic pollutants. In most cases, however, it is relatively harmless. To ensure, you should buy high-quality furniture from the start and pay attention to recognized seals such as Oeko-Tex®.

If your new sofa already smells of chemistry, you can try to remove the smell with vinegar water and ventilate the room thoroughly. This can help to eliminate the unpleasant smell. 

How to reliably remove smells from upholstered furniture

Smells from upholstered furniture can be removed with different home remedies and special cleaning agents. Superficial spots and smells can often be treated well with home remedies such as vinegar, soda and citric acid.

A steam cleaner can help with stubborn and deep pollution. This cleans the sofa with hot water vapor without chemicals. However, do not use a steam cleaner for leather sofas and always pay attention to the manufacturer's information. If in doubt, you should consult experts.

Note that all tips are carried out at our own risk and we do not accept any liability.

The winter sale has been extended!

Benefit from our winter sale of up to 25% on your new modular dream sofa.